Top 5 Study Abroad Destinations in 2021

Whether it’s to broaden their horizon of opportunities or explore a new culture, cuisine, and country, studying abroad has become a continuously growing trend among students. Selecting a country to study abroad in is just as important as choosing a university and major. It involves a 2-5 year commitment, a complete lifestyle shift, potential culture shock, and completely new surroundings that one may not have been exposed to in the past. That being said, we’ll make it easier by sharing the top five destinations for studying abroad this year.



Aside from its iconic beauty and being a top tourist attraction to soak up one of the world’s most vibrant cultures, Spain boasts an education system that is well organized and opens doors to an abundance of opportunities. Spain is the third most popular country for international studies and with its friendly locals, warm weather, and affordable costs of living, there’s no reason not to consider studying abroad in Spain.


Calm, romantic, and picturesque are words usually used to describe France. However, we can confidently insert high quality education into its description as students travel from all over the world for an exceptional educational experience in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.



United Kingdom

While education and living expenses might be slightly higher in the UK than other top destinations, study programs are relatively shorter, and the experience gained from studying and exploring the UK is definitely worth the investment.




Known for having one of the best education systems in Europe, Ireland’s economic growth over the past few decades can be attributed to the quality of the Irish education system. Aside from being exposed to excellent learning opportunities, international students will be introduced to a young vibrant population and a rich cultural heritage with its own distinctive language, culture, music, and sports.




Having placed great importance on education, Canadians have developed a first-rate education system with exceptionally high standards that is appreciated all over the world. Most students come for the education and remain for the ease of living, great job opportunities, low crime and violence rates, and impressive health care system.



Studying abroad opens doors to an abundance of opportunities and opens your eyes to the world around you, and selecting a university at one of the top destinations increases your qualifications and makes the experience all the more memorable.