Oxford Royale Academy

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Oxford Royale Academy is a leading global provider of elite summer schools in some of the world’s most prestigious institutions, including the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, and Yale University in the US.

Driven by a firm belief that a successful education is about more than formal learning, our vision is to offer young people a window to a world of opportunity.  By offering unparalleled cultural and learning experiences, Oxford Royale helps young people to identify their own passions, talents and ambitions and, above all, helps them realise those ambitions.

Oxford Royale offer courses designed for traditional professions, such as business, engineering, law and medicine, but also courses designed to stretch the boundaries of traditional education, from Robotics, to Film or Architecture.  Our summer schools also offer a plethora of cultural experiences, and workshops to develop crucial life skills such as public speaking.  Whether destined to be an oncologist, a film director or an entrepreneur, Oxford Royale’s courses offer young people invaluable experiences to help them make informed decisions and to succeed on their chosen paths.

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